HR Manager

The platform that helps employees hit the ground running

As a modern HR Manager, deliver educational, helpful and highly effective learning experiences and get rewarded with increased productivity, lower costs and happier employees.

Leading HR Managers choose LearnCove

Provide Multilingual Training

The LearnCove platform offers seamless multilingual training in over 130 languages. Tailor programs to respect diverse cultures and current skillsets. Foster real-time communication for instant feedback, while effortlessly tracking progress.

A modern Learning Platform understands the world of HR

In the dynamic realm of Human Resources, understanding the intricate nuances of employee development is paramount. Yet, many learning platforms fall short by lacking a profound comprehension of the HR landscape. Recognizing this gap, our platform comprehensively caters to the complexities of HR processes .

Personalised Learning Paths

Real-Time Performance Analytics

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Adaptable to Emerging Trends

We help HR Managers improve


Reduction in training costs by implementing LMS for online training.


Companies using an LMS may experience up to a 50% increase in employee productivity due to streamlined training processes.


Organizations with effective training programs through an LMS have seen a 10% increase in employee retention compared to those without.

Trusted by Human Resource Teams across industries

What I appreciate about LearnCove is that it connects to our HR system so that employees are automatically created in LearnCove when they are registered in our HR system. Same goes for when they leave.

Dagbjört Una Helgadóttir

HR manager ATH-Thrif

We at Skeljungur see great potential in using LearnCove. It simplifies daily operations with daily registrations, effective onboarding, and collaborative workflows.

Linda Björk

HR Manager at Skeljungur fuel distributor

As a company in land-based farming, we see great potential with LearnCove. The platform provides good support for our training processes, especially in working closely with content providers in our field.

Valgerður Friðriksdóttir

HR Director at First Water land based farming

Increase Productivity

Empower your workforce with a streamlined onboarding and training process, ensuring employees hit peak productivity faster.

Our platform delivers a simple, effective learning experience, optimizing their performance from day one.

Increase Retention

Invest in employee satisfaction and expertise retention. With our platform, HR Managers can design seamless learning processes that keep employees engaged and motivated.

Happier employees translate to longer-lasting, loyal team members.

Lower Costs

Efficiency meets cost-effectiveness. By implementing our platform, HR Managers can reduce training expenses and minimize onboarding time.

A well-trained and motivated workforce not only saves time but also contributes to significant cost savings over the long term.